genuine solution中文什么意思

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  1. The adaptive homotopy method uses the homotopy with parameter to get a enough good approximation xn of the genuine solution x , and then use the newton iteration to attain a more precise one
    自适应延拓算法用含参同伦迭代求出一个真解x ~ *的较好近似x ~ n ,再用newton迭代精确化。
  2. Now , the storage area network ( san ) is one of the mainstream storage technologies . the san has many outstanding characteristics : high speed , high availability , high expansibility , cross - platform sharing , remote virtual storage and low tco , etc . it provides a genuine solution for the concentrative storing and management of the vast data . the data storage system of most large enterprises uses the san
    目前, san ( storageareanetwork )是主流的存储技术之一, san具有高速度、高可用性、高可扩展性、跨平台、较低的总体拥有成本( tco ) 、远程虚拟存储等特性,为海量数据的存储和管理提供了一个真正的集中式存储解决方案,大型企业的数据存储系统大多是采用san技术。


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